Why we started

Evie and I started cooking together when she was about 18 months old and she loved it straight away. You could see her personality blossoming, when she was interacting with food, so we decided to record a video We live in Hong Kong and wanted to send it to family and friends back in the UK, as we were unable to travel due to COVID. The feedback was amazing and I soon saw it as a way to inspire others to cook with their toddlers and children.

I am a secondary school Food teacher and am used to working with children a bit older, but I soon realised the huge benefits of cooking regularly with Evie. It gave me chance to develop my video editing, food photography and styling skills. Since then we have cooked, at least, a recipe a week and now have 60 recipes on our YouTube channel, that all the QR codes take you to.

I sincerely hope that you are inspired to try cooking with your child and even if you are not confident in the kitchen, give it a go. All the recipes are simple and it won't matter if something goes a little bit wrong. It is never going to be perfect when working with little ones and the rewards definitely out-weigh the mess. It will help your child develop their fine motor skills, vocabulary and try new foods, Also it is a great way to bond and theres always something tasty to eat afterwards.

Where it all began

Winning the Discovery Bay baking competition

Winning the local baking competition is our biggest achievement to date and our now famous Curly whirly cookies are a must try recipe.

Why cook with your kids?

The Benefits

  • Food is the best form of sensory play and gives them the experience of different textures, smells, tastes and noises.

  • It is a fun way to bond with your toddler. There will be a lot of smiles and laughter.

  • Helps to develop their fine motor skills, through the different types of preparation methods.

  • Will help them build their vocabulary by talking to your them as you name the foods and steps of making.

  • Exposes your child to new foods and flavours, making them more likely to try different foods and avoid being picky eaters.

  • Helps your toddler grow in confidence, as they become more successful in each task

  • Encourages your child to be more independent.

  • Kitchen skills are life skills!

  • They can also learn to clean and wash up t can be a starting point to other household chores,.

What type of kids benefit from getting involved in the kitchen?

  • Energetic kids

  • Creative kids

  • Inquisitive kids.

  • Kids that need to develop vocabulary.

  • Kids that need to develop fine motor skills

  • Picky eaters

  • Basically all kids!!