Lordy’s Guide - The best advice and tips for parents who want to cook with their little ones

I know that so many parents, understand the benefits of getting their little ones invloved in the kitchen, but may not have the confidence or patience. Well here are my top tips and hopefully these will inspire you get started.

2. Communicate

Explain what is happening, ask lots of questions, count anything you can and give lots of praise. Every instruction you use will help your children understand and will build their vocabulary.

This is the same when you feed your child, always talk to them, explain and describe the food.

4. Embrace the mess

It will get messy, so embrace it! The benefits definitely out way any anxiety

Mess can be cleaned up and you can add a bit more of whatever was spilt or eaten.

Get a large tray to put under the preparation area, so all the spills can be taken to bin in one go.

9. Enjoy the experince

Enjoy yourself and stay calm. Everyone needs to have a fun time!

Remember this is an amazing opportunity for bonding time, so be in the moment and try not to get stressed.

If things don’t quite go to plan, then don’t give up, try again another time.

Tour child might not always be in the right frame of mind to do it, so don’t push it. Check this horror video below, when Evie reaches boiling point.

  1. Start small

Start small and let them take the lead. You can add more skills and techniques as you and your child grow in confidence. Even simplest task of laying out bun/muffin cases or transferring ingredients will empower your child and encourage them to want to do more.

It is important for both parent and child to grow in confidence during these experiences.

3. Don’t Worry

Focus on the process and not the end product. However it turns out it will be edible! All our recipes have worked out even if some mixture was spilled or eaten. Watch some of our uneditted videos to see how I manage expectations as we go through the recipe

5. Get organised

Have everything weighed and measured before starting.

Have all the equipment out ready., with spares, for those that get dropped.

Know the recipe, read it in advance so you know what to do as progress. Or of course follow our recipe videos

The more prepared you are the smoother it will go.

6. Make it a routine.

Set a time and day that is cooking time and try to stick to it wherever possible. You will soon find that your littke one, will be asking if it’s “time to cook”.

7. Get kitted out

Invest in the equipment and utensils that you need. Make sure everything you uses are kid friendly and not smashable.

Have lots of different colours and sizes of bowls and spoons.

Check out tthe Get Started page for all Lordy’s Guide recommended products

10. Enjoy the food together

Whatever the final result, sit down and enjoy the food together. Ensure you tell your little one how well they have done, so they take away positive memories and want to do it again.

Be a good role model and try new foods along with your children.

Lordy’s guide to making recipes healthier.