My Visual Impairment and why I’m so lucky!
Chris Lord Chris Lord

My Visual Impairment and why I’m so lucky!

ave always strived to have a positive attitude towards my disability and I consider myself to be very lucky under circumstances. As you can see from the visuals of my eyes, my left eye has no prereferral vision, but has enough central vision to be able to read large text from close up. My right eye is a lot more blurry, but does have some proriferal vision so they sort of balance each other out, with has abled me to lead a normal life and do what I love, which is teaching people to cook and be engaged with food. The only thing that my LHON has stopped me doing us driving, but at least I never have to be a designated driver.

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My Teaching Experience
Chris Lord Chris Lord

My Teaching Experience

After training in two school is sheffield, I began mt career as head of small department, in a rural school, in Doncaster. and then after three years I progressed to move onto running a larger department at a challenging inner city Academy in Sheffield. At both of these schools the subject area grew in popularity and we offered both GCSE Catering and Food Technology as well as BTEC Hospitality in the upper years. I have now spent the last 10 years working for the English Schools Foundation in Hong Kong. Whilst there my biggest achievement was co-authoring the specification for Food Science and Technology specification for the International Baccalaureate, which is now being taught in many school across the world.

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My Food Education Ethos
Chris Lord Chris Lord

My Food Education Ethos

My Food Education ethos

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About me

My ethos with regard to adduction, is that it should be authentic with all activities being relatable and having meaning and purpose, so they are both engaging and enjoyable. Food is the perfect vehicle for facilitating this ,as we all need to eat and there is so much to learn about food, as the subject is so diverse. I have said that I believe that food is the most interdisciplinary subject, as you are able to teach aspects of nearly all areas of education through the lens of food. When you take a holistic approach to food, you cannot help, but learn about Science, Humanities, Health, Numeracy, Literacy, Business, Design, Art, and Media, with practical work embedding knowledge and building confidence.

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My Food Journey - so far…
Chris Lord Chris Lord

My Food Journey - so far…

My food journey started at the age of 4, when my Mum started cooking with me. My mum is the best cook I know…

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