My Food Education Ethos

My ethos with regard to adduction, is that it should be authentic with all activities being relatable and having meaning and purpose, so they are both engaging and enjoyable. Food is the perfect vehicle for facilitating this ,as we all need to eat and there is so much to learn about food, as the subject is so diverse. I have said that I believe that food is the most interdisciplinary subject, as you are able to teach aspects of nearly all areas of education through the lens of food. When you take a holistic approach to food, you cannot help, but learn about Science, Humanities, Health, Numeracy, Literacy, Business, Design, Art, and Media, with practical work embedding knowledge and building confidence. If and when students realise this, they are much more likely to cook for themselves in the future, make healthier and more sustainable food choices and have a greater appreciation of different cultures.

It also is always important to remember that no matter what else, student well- being is the most important facet of education. If a child is not mentally and physically well they will not learn and therefore it is vital that we provide safe, positive, social environments where students can respect themselves and each other and thrive to hopefully become positive global citizens.


My Teaching Experience


My Food Journey - so far…